Human-ant relationship 2

Exhibition “ANTS”
Exhibition “ANTS”

Unwanted visitor

The Pharaoh Ant Monomorium pharaonis has spread almost worldwide thanks to humans. In temperate climates, they build their nests in heated buildings – they cannot overwinter outdoors. In human habitats, they feed on food and food scraps.

Ants and peonies – a myth

When people see ants on peony buds, they often mistakenly believe that they can harm the flower. In fact, the opposite is true! A sweet secretion is produced on the surface of the buds, and ants like it. As gratitude for this gift, the ants protect peonies from other insects. It’s a win-win!

When paths cross

Conflicts can arise when the interests of ants and humans intersect. Ants tend to build nests in gardens and greenhouses. In some places, ants have an unwanted effect on some of the plants closest to the nest, by digging out their roots and protecting the aphids on them. Wood ants can make their paths in places where we often walk.

The way home

Help a family of ants find their way to the ant hill. Be careful to avoid unwanted neighbours. Bend your knee!



Ant tower

Ants can stick together and overcome obstacles that are either high or far away. Try it yourself. Place an ant on an ant, and the tower is ready!